But this is a blog of former MySQL Entomologist, so when I have nothing ready to share about something exciting or immediately useful, I write about MySQL bugs. This is the case today as well. I need more time to think about MySQL history and write down the details to complement my presentation etc. Previous post in this series appeared a month ago, so let me present a yet another list of InnoDB, optimizer, replication and few other bugs reported by MySQL Community users since April 18, 2020 and before May, 2020:
- Bug #99295 - "InnoDB in-memory estimate is wrong after an index is created". As Øystein Grøvlen found out, even though the entire newly added covering index is in the buffer pool, the buf_stat_per_index_t::get() function in MySQL 8 estimates just 1 page is in memory, and as a result the index is not used.
- Bug #99326 - "undo truncation might still not be crash safe". After nice explanations of what may happen from
Kevin Lewis:
"After and internal discussion with Sunny Bains, I think I understand the concern better. Let's assume that a redo log is so large that it contains redo entries for all 512 Space IDs of an undo tablespace that is being truncated too often. In other words, even though each truncate removes old pages from the buffer pool and flushes newly created pages, it does not actually cause a checkpoint for each truncation like it did in 5.7. So the redo log can possibly contain records for more than 512 space IDs.
this (regression vs 5.7) bug report by Zanye Zjy was closed as "Not a Bug". This is a totally wrong status and handling for such a case.
There is a worklog tested and pushed to the 8.0.21 release branch that fixes this highly unlikely possibility.
As part of WL#11819, we keep a count of the number of truncations that have happened between checkpoints. So if there is more than (512 / 8) truncations between checkpoints, then no more truncations can happen on that undo space until the next checkpoint happens." - Bug #99354 - "Nondeterministic stored function returns incorrect results". This interesting bug was reported by Jacob Chafik. If anyone cares, it is still repeatable on 8.0.20 (and not repeatable on MariaDB 10.4.x):
mysql> SELECT IF(COUNT(t1.id) > 0, "Success", "Failure") "Result" FROM t1 WHERE 1 IN (SELECT t1_inner.id FROM t1 t1_inner INNER JOIN t2 WHERE f1(t2.id) > 0);
Wrong results should not be produced for logically equivalent queries, even if plans are different. Unfortunately this regression (since 5.7.5+) bug had not got the "regression" tag.
| Result |
| Failure |
1 row in set (0,04 sec)
mysql> SELECT IF(COUNT(t1.id) > 0, "Success", "Failure") "Result" FROM t1 WHERE 1 IN (SELECT t1_inner.id FROM t1 t1_inner INNER JOIN t2 WHERE t2.id > 0);
| Result |
| Success |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)
mysql> explain SELECT IF(COUNT(t1.id) > 0, "Success", "Failure") "Result" FROM t
1 WHERE 1 IN (SELECT t1_inner.id FROM t1 t1_inner INNER JOIN t2 WHERE f1(t2.id)
> 0);
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t1_inner | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 50.00 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t2 | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 100.00 | FirstMatch |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 100.00 | Using where; Using join buffer (hash join) |
3 rows in set, 1 warning (0,00 sec)
mysql> explain SELECT IF(COUNT(t1.id) > 0, "Success", "Failure") "Result" FROM t1 WHERE 1 IN (SELECT t1_inner.id FROM t1 t1_inner INNER JOIN t2 WHERE t2.id > 0);
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t1_inner | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 50.00 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t2 | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 50.00 | Using where; FirstMatch |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 100.00 | Using join buffer (hash join) |
3 rows in set, 1 warning (0,00 sec)
mysql> select version();
| version() |
| 8.0.20 |
1 row in set (0,00 sec) - Bug #99359 - "Order by in group_concat with prepare statement returns unexpected results". Two executions of the same statement with the user variable having the same value assigned should either both work or fail with error message, it's a matter of consistency. This is not the case in a situation described in the bug report from Feng Liyuan.
- Bug #99363 - "Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs shows incorrect value". In this bug report SeongUck Lee clearly shown that the problem happens and gave some hints based on source code review what could cause this regression in 8.0 comparing to 5.7. Moreover, after adding debug assertion he managed to show how it is hit and what wrong values are produced, in gdb. Still this report for now ended up as "Not a Bug" (until a test case is presented, reportedly. What a shame!
- Bug #99377 - "Assertion `thd->get_transaction()->is_empty(Transaction_ctx::STMT)' failed in ". Surely dropping and re-creating the mysql.general_log table is a corner case, but even in debug builds it should end up with some proper error message, not just assertion failure. This bug was reported by Roel Van de Paar.
- Bug #99381 - "ORDER_BY Index-level optimizer hint implies NO_JOIN_INDEX for second table". The bug reporter, Jesper Wisborg Krogh, my former colleague in MySQL Support, knows a lot about MySQL queries optimization. Make sure to read his last book, "MySQL 8 Query Performance Tuning: A Systematic Method for Improving Execution Speeds". This time he found a problem with hints.
- Bug #99398 - "Data in wrong row on left join". This regression bug in MySQL 8.0.20 reported by Soner Sayakci is already fixed in upcoming MySQL 8.0.21. Good news.
- Bug #99412 - "Threads_running becomes scalability bottleneck on multi-node NUMA topologies". Nice bug report from Sergey Glushchenko, with a patch contributed. perf annotate was used to demonstrate the problem. Good to know Percona engineers keep working to make MySQL perform better!
- Bug #99413 - "Constant propagation get the wrong result when mix with the different collations". Again, this bug report from Wj Huang was closed as 'Not a Bug" based mostly on the results from 8.0.21+ that is not yet released. This is either a "Duplicate" if the exact fix that helped in 8.0.21+ can be isolated, or "Can't repeat", but setting it to "Not a Bug" seems wrong to me.
- Bug #99414 - "Where exists performance 8.0.16 onwards". This optimizer regression bug in 8.0.16+ (comparing to 5.7) was reported by Jonathan Taylor. See also a comment by Øystein Grøvlen about the tool available at https://github.com/ogrovlen/opttrace to pre-process and get a condensed trace for the join optimizer, that helps to understand what's going on.
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Happy Birthday, MySQL and Sakila! |
- Now (regression!) bugs are sometimes closed as "Not a Bug" after explanation what the problem is and statement that there is a fix in a version not yet released. Not as a "Duplicate", but "Not a Bug", after confirming the problem. This is a new level of wrong bugs handling!
- Same with a bug where bug reporter is still working on a repeatable test case, after showing the problem happened with some evidence, "Not a Bug".
- Oracle does a good job recently in making sure MySQL Server bugs are not hanging around without reaction and are processed fast, but looks like this is partially achieved by lowering standards of bugs processing that were established over last 15+ years. Closing reports by all means as soon as possible as "Not a Bug" is not a way to go. This is sad.
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