Last time I had to use
gdb to check what's going on in MySQL server and found something useful with it to share in the
blog post it was April 2017, and I miss this kind of experience already. So, today I decided to try it again in a hope to get some insights in cases when other tools may not apply or may not be as helpful as one could expect. Here is the long enough story, based on recent customer issue I worked on this week.
* * *
Had you seen anything like this output of
Id User Host db Command Time State
Info Progress
28 someuser01 xx.xx.xx.xx:39644 somedb001 Sleep 247
NULL 0.000
29 someuser01 xx.xx.xx.yy:44100 somedb001 Query 276
Waiting for table level lock DELETE FROM t1 WHERE (some_id = 'NNNNN') AND ... 0.000
33 someuser01 somedb001 Query 275
Waiting for table level lock DELETE FROM t2 WHERE (some_id = 'XXXXX') 0.000
38 someuser01 xx.xx.xx.xx:57055 somedb001 Query 246
Waiting for table level lock DELETE FROM t3 WHERE (some_id in (123456)) AND ... 0.000
recently? That is, many threads accessing InnoDB(!) tables and hanging in the "
Waiting for table level lock" state for a long time without any obvious reason in the
I've seen it this week, along with a statement from customer that the server is basically unusable. Unlike in many other cases I had not found any obvious problem from the outputs mentioned above (other than high concurrency and normal InnoDB row lock waits etc for other sessions). There were no unexpected table level locks reported by InnoDB, and the longest running transactions were those in that waiting state.
fine MySQL manual is not very helpful when describing this thread state:
"Waiting for lock_type
The server is waiting to acquire a
lock or a lock from the metadata
locking subsystem, where
indicates the type of
This state indicates a wait for a
Waiting for table level lock
These states indicate a wait for a metadata lock:
Waiting for event metadata lock
Waiting for global read lock
What that "
THR_LOCK" should tell the reader is beyond me (and probably most of MySQL users). Fortunately, I know from experience that this state usually means that thread is trying to access some MyISAM table. The tables mentioned in currently running statements were all InnoDB, though. Server had
performance_schema enabled, but only with default instrumentation and consumers defined, so I had no chance to get anything related to metadata locks or much hope to see all previous statement executed by each thread anyway. I surely insisted on checking the source code etc, but this rarely gives immediate results.
So, to check my assumption and try to prove MyISAM tables are involved, and get some hint what sessions they were locked by, I suggested to run
mysqladmin debug, the command that is rarely used these days, with the output that Oracle explicitly refused to document properly (see my
Bug #71346)! I do know what to expect there (from the days when MyISAM was widely used), and when in doubts I can always check
the source code.
mysqladmin debug command outputs a lot of information into the error log. Among other things I found the following section:
Thread database.table_name Locked/Waiting Lock_type
928 somedb001.somewhat_seq Waiting - write High priority write lock
12940 somedb001.somewhat_seq Locked - write High priority write lock
somedb001.somewhat_seq surely was the MyISAM table. There were actually many tables mentioned as locked, with waits on them, and names ending with
_seq suffix. One can now check what MySQL thread with id=
12940 is doing at all levels, where it comes from, should it be killed etc.
Now it became more clear what's going on. Probably application developers tried to implement sequences with MyISAM tables and, probably, triggers to use them when data are not provided for the columns! The idea is quite popular and described in many blog posts. Check
this old blog post by
Peter Zaitsev, for example. This assumption was confirmed, and essentially they did something like I did in the following deliberately primitive example:
-- this is our sequence table
mysql> show create table misam\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: misam
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `misam` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create table inno like misam;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.30 sec)
mysql> alter table inno engine=InnoDB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (2.73 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> show create table inno\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: inno
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `inno` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
mysql> select * from misam;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
-- let's set up the first value for the sequence
mysql> insert into misam values(1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
-- now let's create trigger to insert the value from sequencemysql> delimiter //
mysql> create trigger tbi before insert on inno
-> for each row
-> begin
-> if ifnull(,0) = 0 then
-> update misam set id=last_insert_id(id+1);
-> set = last_insert_id();
-> end if;
-> end
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.25 sec)
mysql> delimiter ;
mysql> start transaction;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert into inno values(0);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.20 sec)
mysql> insert into inno values(0);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.10 sec)
mysql> select * from inno;
| id |
| 2 |
| 3 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from misam;
| id |
| 3 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
So, this is how it is supposed to work, and, you know, it works from two concurrent sessions without any locking noticed etc.
This is the end of the real story, for now. We have a lot of things to discuss there with customer, including how to find out previous commands executed in each sessions, what useful details we can get from the
performance_schema etc. The root cause was clear, but we still have to find out why the sessions are spending so much time holding the blocking locks on MyISAM tables and what we can do about that, or with architecture based on such implementation of sequences (that I kindly ask you to avoid whenever possible! Use
auto_increment values, please, if you care about concurrency.) I expect more blog posts eventually inspired by that real story, but now it's time to move to more generic technical details.
* * *
I have two problems with this story if I try to approach it in a more generic way.
First, do we have any other way to see MyISAM table level locks, besides
mysqladmin debug command? (Oracle kindly plans to replace with something, let me quote
Shane Bester's comment
the bug that originates from hist internal feature request: "
We need to replace it with appropriate performance_schema or information_schema tables.")
Second, how exactly to reproduce the situation customer reported? My initial attempts to get such a status with the trigger in place failed, I was not able to capture threads spending any notable time in "
Waiting for table level lock" state even with concurrent single row inserts and the trigger above in place. I was thinking about explicit
LOCK TABLES misam WRITE etc, but I doubt real code does use that. Fortunately, the following
INSERT running from one session:
mysql> insert into inno values(sleep(100));
Query OK, 1 row affected (1 min 40.20 sec)
allowed me to run
INSERT in the other session that got blocked:
mysql> insert into inno values(0);
Query OK, 1 row affected (1 min 36.36 sec)
and while it was blocked I've seen the thread state I wanted in the output of the
mysql> show processlist;+----+------+-----------+------+---------+------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Rows_sent | Rows_examined |
| 16 | root | localhost | test | Query | 17 | User sleep | insert into inno values(sleep(100)) | 0 | 0 |
| 17 | root | localhost | test | Query | 13 | Waiting for table level lock | insert into inno values(0) | 0 | 0 |
| 22 | root | localhost | test | Query | 0 | starting | show processlist | 0 | 0 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
So, I know how exactly to reproduce the problem and what it can be caused by. Any slow running single
INSERT statement (caused by something complex executed in trigger, some slow function used in the list of values inserted, or, maybe just
INSERT ... SELECT ... from the big table) will give us the desired thread state.
Coming back to the first generic problem mentioned above, is there any way besides running
mysqladmin debug and checking the output vs processlist etc, to identify the thread that holds MyISAM table level locks? One should expect
performance_schema to help with this, at least as of 5.7 (I've used Percona Server 5.7.18-15 on my Ubuntu 14.04 netbook for testing today, while the original problem was on MariaDB 10.2.x. Percona is for fun, while MariaDB is for real work...). Indeed, we have
table_handles there, and until recently I ignored its existence (it's new in 5.7, and I am not even sure if MariaDB 10.2.x has it already).
So, I reproduced the problem again and got the following there:
mysql> select * from performance_schema.table_handles;
| TABLE | test | t | 140392772351024 | 0 | 0 | NULL | NULL |
| TABLE | test | t1 | 140392772352560 | 0 | 0 | NULL | NULL |
| TABLE | test | ttime | 140392772355632 | 0 | 0 | NULL | NULL |
| TABLE | test | misam | 140392772358704 | 55 | 10 | WRITE | WRITE EXTERNAL |
| TABLE | test | misam | 140392896981552 | 54 | 10 | WRITE | WRITE EXTERNAL |
| TABLE | test | inno | 140392772361776 | 55 | 10 | NULL | WRITE EXTERNAL |
| TABLE | test | inno | 140392896983088 | 54 | 10 | NULL | WRITE EXTERNAL || TABLE | test | inno | 140392826836016 | 0 | 0 | NULL | NULL |
| TABLE | test | misam | 140392826837552 | 0 | 0 | NULL | NULL |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
What I am supposed to do with the above to find out the MySQL thread id of the blocking session? I am supposed to join to performance_schema.threads table, looking for
thread_id value that is the same as
owner_thread_id above,
54 and
55. I get the following, note that
processlist_id is what you are looking for in the processlist:
mysql> select * from performance_schema.threads where thread_id in (54, 55)\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
NAME: thread/sql/one_connection
*************************** 2. row ***************************
NAME: thread/sql/one_connection
2 rows in set (0.10 sec)
I do not see a way to distinguish lock wait from actually holding the lock. All I know at the moment is that there is engine-level lock on
misam table (and
inno table, for that matter). If the MySQL thread id is NOT for the thread that is "
Waiting for table level lock", then it must be the thread that holds the lock! Some smart join with proper
WHERE clause would let me to find out what I need directly. Maybe in one of the next parts I'll even present it, but writing it from the top of my head in critical situation is above my current skills related to
* * *
Now, what those of us should do who do not have
performance_schema enabled, or have to use version before 5.7? Or those with access to
gdb and spare 5 minutes?
Surely we should attach
gdb to the
mysqld process and, if in doubts, read some parts of the source code to know where to start. I started with the following fragments of code that were easy to find (as long as you know that
COM_DEBUG command is actually sent by
mysqladmin debug to server):
openxs@ao756:~/git/percona-server$ grep -rni com_debug *
include/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp:160: COM_DEBUG,
include/mysql.h.pp:47: COM_DEBUG,
include/my_command.h:39: COM_DEBUG,
libmysql/libmysql.c:899: DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql,COM_DEBUG,0,0,0));
rapid/plugin/group_replication/libmysqlgcs/src/bindings/xcom/xcom/task_debug.h:62: "[XCOM_DEBUG] ",
sql/ case COM_DEBUG:
# from the line highlighted above... case COM_DEBUG:
if (check_global_access(thd, SUPER_ACL))
break; /* purecov: inspected */
mysql_print_status(); query_logger.general_log_print(thd, command, NullS);
openxs@ao756:~/git/percona-server$ grep -rni mysql_print_status *
sql/sql_test.h:40:void mysql_print_status();
sql/ "sql_test.h" // mysql_print_status
sql/ mysql_print_status();
sql/ mysql_print_status()sql/ "sql_test.h" // mysql_print_status
sql/ mysql_print_status(); // Print some debug info
# from the line highlighted above...
void mysql_print_status()
char current_dir[FN_REFLEN];
STATUS_VAR current_global_status_var;
printf("\nStatus information:\n\n");
(void) my_getwd(current_dir, sizeof(current_dir),MYF(0));
printf("Current dir: %s\n", current_dir);
printf("Running threads: %u Stack size: %ld\n",
(long) my_thread_stack_size);
thr_print_locks(); // Write some debug info
printf("\nTable status:\n\
# finally, let's find the code of display_table_locks...openxs@ao756:~/git/percona-server$ grep -rni display_table_locks *
sql/ void display_table_locks(void)sql/ display_table_locks();
sql/ { &key_memory_locked_thread_list, "display_table_locks", PSI_FLAG_THREAD},
static void display_table_locks(void)
LIST *list;
Saved_locks_array saved_table_locks(key_memory_locked_thread_list);
saved_table_locks.reserve(table_cache_manager.cached_tables() + 20);
for (list= thr_lock_thread_list; list; list= list_rest(list))
THR_LOCK *lock=(THR_LOCK*) list->data;
push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->, FALSE,
"Locked - write");
push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->, TRUE,
"Waiting - write");
push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->, FALSE,
"Locked - read");
push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->, TRUE,
"Waiting - read");
That's enough to start. We'll have to finally study what
THR_LOCK is. There is a global (double) linked lists of all them,
thr_lock_thread_list, and this is where we can get details from, in a way similar (let's hope) to those server does while processing
COM_DEBUG command for us. So, let's attach
gdb and let's fun begin:
openxs@ao756:~/git/percona-server$ sudo gdb -p 23841
[sudo] password for openxs:
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1
Loaded symbols for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007fafd93d9c5d in poll () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
81 ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S: No such file or directory.
(gdb) set $list=(LIST *)thr_lock_thread_list
(gdb) set $lock=(THR_LOCK*) $list->data
(gdb) p *($lock)
$1 = {list = {prev = 0x0, next = 0x7fafd2fa4780, data = 0x7fafbd545c80},
mutex = {m_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0,
__nusers = 0, __kind = 3, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {
__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}},
__size = '\000' <repeats 16 times>, "\003", '\000' <repeats 22 times>,
__align = 0}, m_psi = 0x7fafd1f97c80}, read_wait = {data = 0x0,
last = 0x7fafbd545cc8}, read = {data = 0x0, last = 0x7fafbd545cd8},
write_wait = {data = 0x0, last = 0x7fafbd545ce8}, write = {
data = 0x7fafbd69f188, last = 0x7fafbd69f190}, write_lock_count = 0,
read_no_write_count = 0, get_status = 0xf84910 <mi_get_status>,
copy_status = 0xf84a70 <mi_copy_status>,
update_status = 0xf84970 <mi_update_status>,
restore_status = 0xf84a50 <mi_restore_status>,
check_status = 0xf84a80 <mi_check_status>}
In the above we started from the first item in the list. If needed we can move on to the next with
set $list=(LIST *)($list->next) etc. We then interpret
$list->data as a (
THD_LOCK*). There we can see
write and
write_wait structures. One of them will have
data item that is not
0x0. This way we can identify is it a lock or lock wait, and what kind of lock is it. In my case i was looking for a write lock, and here it is, the very first one. So, I continue:
(gdb) p *($lock)->
$2 = {owner = 0x7fafbd468d38, next = 0x0, prev = 0x7fafbd545cf8,
lock = 0x7fafbd545c80, cond = 0x0, type = TL_WRITE,
status_param = 0x7fafbd69ee20, debug_print_param = 0x7fafbd515020,
m_psi = 0x7fafa4c06cc0}
We can check the
owner field:
(gdb) p *($lock)->
$3 = {thread_id = 16, suspend = 0x7fafbd469370}
thread_id there is what we were looking for, the MySQL thread id of the blocking thread. If we want to get the details about the table locks we can do this as follows, by studying
debug_print_param in
(gdb) set $table=(TABLE *) &(*($lock)->>debug_print_param)
(gdb) p $table
$4 = (TABLE *) 0x7fafbd515020
(gdb) p *($table)
$5 = {s = 0x7fafbd4d7030, file = 0x7fafbd535230, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0,
cache_next = 0x0, cache_prev = 0x7fafc4df05a0, in_use = 0x7fafbd468000,
field = 0x7fafbd4d7440, hidden_field_count = 0, record = {
0x7fafbd4d7430 "\377", 0x7fafbd4d7438 "\n"}, write_row_record = 0x0,
insert_values = 0x0, covering_keys = {map = 0}, quick_keys = {map = 0},
merge_keys = {map = 0}, possible_quick_keys = {map = 0},
keys_in_use_for_query = {map = 0}, keys_in_use_for_group_by = {map = 0},
keys_in_use_for_order_by = {map = 0}, key_info = 0x7fafbd4d7508,
next_number_field = 0x0, found_next_number_field = 0x0, vfield = 0x0,
hash_field = 0x0, fts_doc_id_field = 0x0, triggers = 0x0,
pos_in_table_list = 0x7fafbd47a9b8, pos_in_locked_tables = 0x7fafbd4e5030,
group = 0x0, alias = 0x7fafbbbad120 "misam",
null_flags = 0x7fafbd4d7430 "\377", bitmap_init_value = 0x0, def_read_set = {
bitmap = 0x7fafbd4d75a8, n_bits = 1, last_word_mask = 4294967294,
last_word_ptr = 0x7fafbd4d75a8, mutex = 0x0}, def_write_set = {
bitmap = 0x7fafbd4d75ac, n_bits = 1, last_word_mask = 4294967294,
last_word_ptr = 0x7fafbd4d75ac, mutex = 0x0}, tmp_set = {
bitmap = 0x7fafbd4d75b0, n_bits = 1, last_word_mask = 4294967294,
last_word_ptr = 0x7fafbd4d75b0, mutex = 0x0}, cond_set = {
bitmap = 0x7fafbd4d75b4, n_bits = 1, last_word_mask = 4294967294,
last_word_ptr = 0x7fafbd4d75b4, mutex = 0x0},
def_fields_set_during_insert = {bitmap = 0x7fafbd4d75b8, n_bits = 1,
last_word_mask = 4294967294, last_word_ptr = 0x7fafbd4d75b8, mutex = 0x0},
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
read_set = 0x7fafbd515128, write_set = 0x7fafbd515148,
fields_set_during_insert = 0x7fafbd5151a8, query_id = 0, quick_rows = {
0 <repeats 64 times>}, const_key_parts = {0 <repeats 64 times>},
quick_key_parts = {0 <repeats 64 times>}, quick_n_ranges = {
0 <repeats 64 times>}, quick_condition_rows = 0, lock_position = 0,
lock_data_start = 0, lock_count = 1, temp_pool_slot = 0, db_stat = 39,
current_lock = 1, nullable = 0 '\000', null_row = 0 '\000',
status = 3 '\003', copy_blobs = 0 '\000', force_index = 0 '\000',
force_index_order = 0 '\000', force_index_group = 0 '\000',
distinct = 0 '\000', const_table = 0 '\000', no_rows = 0 '\000',
key_read = 0 '\000', no_keyread = 0 '\000', locked_by_logger = 0 '\000',
no_replicate = 0 '\000', locked_by_name = 0 '\000',
fulltext_searched = 0 '\000', no_cache = 0 '\000',
open_by_handler = 0 '\000', auto_increment_field_not_null = 0 '\000',
insert_or_update = 0 '\000', alias_name_used = 0 '\000',
get_fields_in_item_tree = 0 '\000', m_needs_reopen = 0 '\000',
created = true, max_keys = 0, reginfo = {join_tab = 0x0, qep_tab = 0x0,
lock_type = TL_WRITE, not_exists_optimize = false,
impossible_range = false}, mem_root = {free = 0x7fafbd4d7420,
used = 0x7fafbd535220, pre_alloc = 0x0, min_malloc = 32, block_size = 992,
block_num = 6, first_block_usage = 0, max_capacity = 0,
allocated_size = 2248, error_for_capacity_exceeded = 0 '\000',
error_handler = 0xc4b240 <sql_alloc_error_handler()>, m_psi_key = 106},
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
blob_storage = 0x0, grant = {grant_table = 0x0, version = 0,
privilege = 536870911, m_internal = {m_schema_lookup_done = true,
m_schema_access = 0x0, m_table_lookup_done = true,
m_table_access = 0x0}}, sort = {filesort_buffer = {m_next_rec_ptr = 0x0,
m_rawmem = 0x0, m_record_pointers = 0x0, m_sort_keys = 0x0,
m_num_records = 0, m_record_length = 0, m_sort_length = 0,
m_size_in_bytes = 0, m_idx = 0}, io_cache = 0x0, merge_chunks = {
m_array = 0x0, m_size = 0}, addon_fields = 0x0,
sorted_result_in_fsbuf = false, sorted_result = 0x0,
sorted_result_end = 0x0, found_records = 0}, part_info = 0x0,
all_partitions_pruned_away = false, mdl_ticket = 0x7fafbd4c4f10,
m_cost_model = {m_cost_model_server = 0x0, m_se_cost_constants = 0x0,
m_table = 0x0}, should_binlog_drop_if_temp_flag = false}
We already see table
alias, but more details are in the s filed (of
TABLE_SHARE * type):
(gdb) p $table->s$26 = (TABLE_SHARE *) 0x7fafbd4d7030
(gdb) p $table->s->table_cache_key
$27 = {str = 0x7fafbd4d73b8 "test", length = 11}
(gdb) p $table->s->db
$30 = {str = 0x7fafbd4d73b8 "test", length = 4}
(gdb) p $table->s->path
$31 = {str = 0x7fafbd4d73c8 "./test/misam", length = 12}
(gdb) p $table->s->table_name
$32 = {str = 0x7fafbd4d73bd "misam", length = 5}
# to remind you, this is how to get the thread id directly
(gdb) p (*($lock)->
$37 = 16
I skilled some of my tests and intermediate results. To summarize, for me it took only a bit more time to search the code and try commands in
gdb than to find out that metadata_locks does not help and one has to use
table_handles in
performance_schema. Next time in gdb I'll do it instantly, and the number of key strokes is far less :)
Surely, for production environments I'll have to write, test and note somewhere proper queries to the
performance_schema. For next attempts with gdb and, maybe, FOSDEM talks I'll have to read the code to remember key details about the data structures used above... More posts to come, stay tuned!